All Episodes
Displaying 31 - 45 of 45 in total
Fringe gaming devices. Why we still love them.
Fringe gaming devices. Square screens! Cranks! No cases! Delays! We still love them. And, is handheld gaming still a thing?

The death of the laptop
Is the laptop the new desktop computer? And the tablet the new laptop?

A dangerous pair of fun scissors
Foldable devices. Jaan has actually tested some of them. How rubbish are they?

Ugly – A design Q&A
Thank you for sending us a new batch of design related questions to answer! Let’s see how we get on with them, shall we?

News and notifications
Notifications, what are they good for?

From plan to planes
Our episode 6 recording plans got upended on short notice, and replaced by work travel to Berlin (Jesper) and Singapore (Jaan). We'll be back next week!

Metaphors and meetings
Why are outdated, aggressive, macho metaphors still used to describe creative collaborative work? War rooms, get in to gear, plans of attack, huddles... Find out how t...

What is a document?
What is a document? And is the future “...a document that does everything”?

Dongle fail – A design Q&A
Questions you’ve asked us; answered. Surprises await.

Design style
What is design style, and do we need to think about it? How long does a style last? And also, what about minimalism?

Maximising the minimum
We’re back! Welcome to season 2, now in English! Today we explore what it means to “maximise the minimum”, and why it makes you a better designer. Also hands in pocke...

4. Gamla webbar, provokationer och avslut (och säsongsavslutning)
Gamla webbar är de bästa webbarna. Tech löser som bekant alla/inga problem. Men usch vad provocerande!

3. Skinn, ambition och notebooks
Jesper rider in på en häst, vilket leder till stitching och läder. Varför har en del platser inbyggd ambition?

2. Möbler, skampåsar och övergångsställen
Skampåsen bevisar att möbler inte utvecklats alls. Lyktstolpar likaså; varför kan inte ljuset komma från husen?

1. HEX-koder, väggfärg och tyngdlyftningsskor
Grålila väggar. Är himlen sommarbabyblå? När Homer skrev om sina resor var vattnet vinfärgat. Snygg naken, eller träna för att hänga med mormor och morfar beror på var...