Coaching designers
How to coach others, and oneself.
And why productivity doesn’t matter at all.
(Includes untimely and frankly quite cruel references to Summer and warm weather…)
The ‘design, Design, DESIGN, design’ podcast is where we – designers Jesper Bylund and Jaan Orvet – poke, prod, analyse and share our opinions on design. The everyday, the mundane as well as the exceptional. We also explore how people affect, and are affected by, design.
If you like or love this podcast please do subscribe!
And why productivity doesn’t matter at all.
(Includes untimely and frankly quite cruel references to Summer and warm weather…)
The ‘design, Design, DESIGN, design’ podcast is where we – designers Jesper Bylund and Jaan Orvet – poke, prod, analyse and share our opinions on design. The everyday, the mundane as well as the exceptional. We also explore how people affect, and are affected by, design.
If you like or love this podcast please do subscribe!
Music: 'Freeze Tag' by astrofreq on Pixabay
Creators and Guests

Jaan Orvet
International design leader and strategist with a firm belief in all-living-things centred design. Author of two books. Host of two podcasts.